Wednesday, July 11, 2018

On the evening of July 9th the Core Cast of the British Pageant perform

As a treat for the Elders and Sister missionaries we watched the Core Cast of the British Pageant perform....
Our Story Goes On

Our Story Goes On

This performance reflects how the restored Gospel lives on through the ages. From birth, childhood, marriage, raising kids and then grandchildren and then approaches life's passing, but only with our posterity that lives on.

7-11-18 Lily Pads with Lotus flowers on the Mississippi River

Many many lily pads with Lotus flowers grow close to the shore of the Mississippi

July 10 opening night of the pageant with a Country Fair to start with.

British Pageant opens on evening of July 10th with a country fair for all to enjoy just before the Pageant

 Pageant performers in costume enjoying the fair

 Rag doll making

Learning to walk on stilts.