Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Serve in the Temple and serve my Sister

I love to serve in the Temple and I love learning more about the history of this place Nauvoo.  I am amazed that I live in an apartment right in the middle of it all.  Its been a little too cold for us to see too many of the refurbished homes as historical sites but we are looking forward to it soon...that is if it keeps above freezing or gets close to 50 degrees.

Serving is a fulfilling activity of any kind.  A Sister that I serve with in the temple needed her dress mended.  I was glad to help her.  She was on her way to WalMart in Keokuk and asked me if I needed anything from there.  Matter of fact I did.  A particular type of flour that I like to use and forgot to get last time I was there was my request. I did the mending and she paid me in "kind".  With flour.  Its the Nauvoo Way.  Love it.